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Hi, I'm Andy Bauman

Photo of Bauman family


Andy Bauman is a self-employed attorney, asset-manager and private investor. Previously Andy was a principal and general counsel for a local, privately held real estate company, and before that he was a partner at the Sandy Springs based law firm Altman, Kritzer & Levick.


Andy received both his undergraduate and law degrees at Emory University, where he met his wife of 30 years, Dr. Debbie Bauman (Debbie also received dual degrees from Emory). Andy and Debbie have lived in the metro area since 1982, and in Sandy Springs since 1999.  Andy and Debbie have two children; one in college and one a senior at the Weber School. They are actively involved at Temple Sinai in Sandy Springs, where this past summer Andy was the pitcher on the Sinai’s championship softball team! 


In 2010 Andy founded the very popular Sandy Springs Farmers Market, which still operates every Saturday morning at our City Center.  Andy was first elected to the Sandy Springs City Council 2013 and then re-elected in 2017.


Andy’s other community activities have included service on the Board of Directors of the Emory Federal Credit Union, leadership positions with several Jewish organizations in Atlanta (including the American Jewish Committee and Atlanta Jewish Film Festival), and coaching in the NYO baseball program for several years at Chastain Park. In 2016, Andy was appointed by Georgia House Speaker David Ralston to serve a 5-year term on the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, which was a tremendous honor.  





Dedicated, Effective and Responsive

  • 100% voting record in support of Sandy Springs First Responders.  

  • Extensive sidewalk and road repaving during my terms in office: New Sidewalks include Dudley Lane, Powers Ferry Road, and Roswell Road inside of I-285. Due to my efforts, future sidewalk projects will include Lake Forrest Drive and Riverside Drive (inside I-285).

  • Our City has had a balanced budget with surpluses and strong reserves for all 8 years I have been in office. City received a AAA bond rating.

  • Recruited restaurants and businesses to Sandy Springs.

  • Dozens of meetings with HOAs and community organizations, and hundreds of meetings with District and City residents. Widely regarded for Constituent Service.

  • Supports greater transparency and diverse participation in local governance, beginning with appointments to City boards and commissions. Andy supports video broadcasting of all City Council meetings. 


Proposed a new program – unanimously approved by the City Council – to provide an additional $150,000 in funding for recreational programming dedicated exclusively to low-income and underserved communities in Sandy Springs. These programs and activities are critical to every child’s developmental learning and physical well-being. “Our City’s recreation and parks programs should be available to all children in our community without regard of their family’s ability to pay”. 

Advocated for the most up-to-date ordinances against unruly “party houses” in residential neighborhoods


Enthusiastically backed a resolution advocating for a new North Springs HS building, which is now planned by Fulton County.

Authored and sponsored the Sandy Springs Hate Crime Ordinance – the first of its kind municipal ordinance in the State – approved unanimously by the City Council and signed by Mayor Paul in 2019. This was more than one year prior to the State Hate Crime Law which passed with bipartisan support in the State Legislature.


Re-elected, without opposition, to the Sandy Springs City Council.


Involved with the very early decision making for the development of the Sandy Springs City Center, and helped initiate and promote diverse programming at the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center.  


Led on several policy initiatives in the areas of environmental sustainability, community connections and walkability.

Helped establish Sandy Springs’ partnership with Trees Atlanta which has resulted in thousands of trees being planted in our City.


Appointed by Georgia House Speaker David Ralston to serve on the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. 

Co-sponsored and supported a resolution adopted by the City Council rejecting so-called “BDS” (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) against Israel. 

Sponsor/originator of the City’s very successful First Responder Housing Initiative. As Mayor Rusty Paul said, “[Andy had] the innovative idea to offer the housing we purchase for long-term public works projects to our first responders."


Worked with Mayor Paul to establish a “sister-city” relationship in Israel that has led to economic development and cultural exchanges. When he joined the delegation in traveling to Israel, Andy paid his travel costs and expenses, and none were reimbursed by the City. 


Elected to the Sandy Springs City Council.


Co-founded the very popular Sandy Springs Farmers Market, which is now managed by the City of Sandy Springs. 


Supporting Sandy Springs

  • Founded the very popular Sandy Springs Farmers Market in 2010.

  • Received a major Community Service Award from Heritage Sandy Springs.

  • The Bauman family have all been a volunteers and have made financial contributions to the Community Assistance Center.

  • Raised and contributed thousands of dollars to the Sandy Springs Police Benevolent Fund.

  • Andy and Debbie are founding patrons – and continue to support – City Springs Theater Company.  They (and daughter Anna) are passionate about performing arts in our community, and support Act3 and Orbit Arts Academy as well.

  • Debbie is currently co-chair of the Sandy Springs Society annual auction. The all-volunteer group raises hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for Sandy Springs’ nonprofit organizations. 

  • Andy has enthusiastically participated in Youth Leadership Sandy Springs events for the past several years, and is always available to students and scouts in support of their projects and interest in local affairs.

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